At GB Window Cleaning, our goal is to make each and every home and business owner’s day a little brighter, but especially in these uncertain and stressful times. We are monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in response to the public health situation related to coronavirus (COVID-19). The safety and health of our commercial and residential customers, franchisees, their employees, and our communities is paramount to us.

We are taking care of our team and increasing our preventative measures by encouraging employees to:

  • Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not readily available
  • Avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Put distance between themselves and other people
  • Stay home if feeling sick
  • Clean and disinfect window cleaning equipment and office equipment before use

GB Window Cleaning's custom solution has properties that make it a great disinfectant. In fact, it has been found to “dissolve the lipid envelope of the virus, thereby inactivating it.” we are currently offering a pre spray on windows (inside and outside) that will disenfect the glass.

We always wear shoe covers while in a customer’s home to not only protect their floors but to also avoid bringing in any germs or bacteria. We will continue this practice as usual.

Our towels are being laundered using the warmest appropriate water setting and being dried completely, in accordance with the recommendations from the CDC.

Here’s how you can help us continue to keep you and our teams healthy and safe:

  • If you would like a free estimate, we’ll be happy to provide you with one with no point-of-contact. We can visit your home or business and leave an estimate in a door hanger or anywhere else you’d like.
  • Please let us know in advance if you or anyone in your household or business has known health issues. We will be happy to reschedule your cleaning, if necessary.
  • If you have any concerns about a member of our team coming into your home or business, please let us know. We’ll be happy to clean the outsides of your windows!
  • If your business is closed, please contact us to discuss modifying your cleaning schedule.
  • We’re happy to accept electronic or over-the-phone payments to avoid exchanging cash or checks.
  • If you have any additional concerns before your scheduled cleaning, please feel free to reach out to us to discuss them. We’re here to help.

For the latest information about COVID-19, please visit

Please contact us for more information if you would like an estimate or to schedule service. we are proceeding with an abundance of caution to keep you, your family, your employees, your customers, and our communities healthy and safe. We sincerely thank you for your patience as we adjust to this rapidly changing situation.